
BPA Regional Science Bowl

Our Northstar middle school team performed extremely well on February 4th in Portland against much tougher competition than in past years. The team video took 2nd place in the video competition, team member Aadi Dalia won a medal for being an Allstar scorer, and Team 1 only narrowly missed making it to the double elimination round. Team 2 won a round as a team of all first timers as well. In addition to the great experience had by all, we have a much better idea of how to better prepare for next year.

November 19th Workshop was a huge hit!


We had a group of 10 fabulous middle school aged kids, eager to learn about DNA and how we look for mutations in it. After extracting DNA from our own cheek cells and making roughly a billion copies of part of the target gene of interest, we ran Gel Electrophoresis (shown above) on our samples and found that there were some homozygous Tasters of PTC (a bitter chemical in broccoli), some heterozygous Tasters, and some homozygous Non-Tasters! We finished up with a 20 minute quiz show style buzzer round to review what we learned. Judging by the amount of candy each student won in the buzzer round, everyone learned a lot!

BioWorks Lab & Archimedes School Team Up!

BioWorks Lab workshops are beginning at Archimedes School of Mathematics and Programming in downtown Redmond! November 19th will be the first workshop, from 1-3 PM. This workshop will be for middle school age students. A high school workshop can be added if there is immediate interest (email to request a workshop). The topic of the first workshop will be an introduction to DNA in biotech as well as intro to Science Bowl competitions for middle schoolers! Space is limited to 10 participants so register early!


501(c)(3) status obtained and equipment update!

BioWorks Lab is officially a 501(c)(3) nonprofit! Additional progress on the equipment front includes order of a Bento Lab (expected to arrive sometime in December), and a digital compound microscope is now up and running! The hope is to get several more Bento Lab units going forward, with the stretch goal of acquiring an illumina sequencer down the road too!

Check out the Bento Lab. This is going to transform access to DNA technology.

bentolab Continue reading “501(c)(3) status obtained and equipment update!”

Join the fun!


The business of finding a location, obtaining nonprofit status, and other necessities is underway. Updates will be posted as progress is made! Anyone wishing to donate time, knowledge, or funds to help this lab come together faster in Redmond, WA is encouraged to contact  The Facebook page can be found at Follow BioWorksLab on Twitter for updates as well!